Welcome to Adak
The Adak Film Festival takes place every summer. The film festival was launched in 1993. The program is available on the Sagabiographers website.
The hiking map on the left is available at the tourist information center in Adak im Handlarn.
You will find the hiking trail in Adak that leads to the mountain "Adakliden" if you take Slagnäsvägen westwards and take the first forest road on the left after the shop, opposite the "church" sign. Then follow the road for about 400 metres and turn left after a small forest road. The trail starts at the pump house and is about 5 kilometres long. However, there are many other hiking trails in Adak.
The church in Adak is the parish church of the Malå parish in the Luleå diocese. The church was built by the builder Evert Lindqvist based on drawings by the architect Per-Lennart Berggren. On Ascension Day, May 23, 1963, the church was consecrated by Bishop Ivar Hylander. On the east gable there are three narrow choir windows by the artist Stig Pettersson from Luleå. A rectory was built together with the church. The free-standing bell tower was built in the summer of 1963 by the builder Sigfrid Tjärnlund. The cemetery was created later and was inaugurated in the summer of 1969.
Adak (Sámi Áddake) is a village in the municipality of Malå in Västerbotten county with almost 200 inhabitants and is surrounded by the lakes "Stor-Adakträsket" and "Lilla Adakträsket". Adakbäcken is a watercourse in southeastern Lapland in Sweden, a tributary to the Skeppträskån. Adakbäcken rises just northwest of Adak and flows southeast, mostly parallel to the Skeppträskån, where it finally flows about 10 km north of Malå. Length approx. 15 km.
Adakgruvan was about 3 kilometers north of Adak and 20 kilometers north of Malå. The mining company "Boliden" AB operated the copper mine from the late 1920s until 1978.
In 1978 the community had 150 residents. Shortly afterwards it was dismantled and most of the houses were demolished or relocated. The last houses were demolished in 1999 and today there is hardly anything left to remind us of them.
The geological survey of Sweden discovered ore discoveries in 1921. The finds were confirmed by geophysical measurements at the end of the 1920s. The first shaft sinking began in 1933 in preparation for large-scale mining. In 1940 the state allowed the company "Boliden" AB to take over the mining operations and in 1946 several buildings were built. Mining offices, workshops, staff rooms and an enrichment facility.
Between 1940 and 1977, around 6.3 million tons of ore were mined. Metal grades averaged 2.02% copper, 0.6 g/t gold and 6 g/t silver.
A memorial stone in the area reads, among other things: “From 1945 to 1977, regular ore mining took place in Adak-Gruva. A total of 6,300,000 tons of ore were mined. The ore was processed at the Adak mine and produced 447,000 tons of copper slag, from which 123,000 tons of copper, 42,000 kg of silver and 1,400 kg of gold were recovered.”